DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.append(double... values) |
Returns a new DoubleStreamEx which is a concatenation of this
stream and the stream containing supplied values
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.append(DoubleStream other) |
Creates a lazily concatenated stream whose elements are all the elements
of this stream followed by all the elements of the other stream.
DoubleStreamEx |
IntStreamEx.asDoubleStream() |
DoubleStreamEx |
LongStreamEx.asDoubleStream() |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.atLeast(double value) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that greater
than or equal to the specified value.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.atMost(double value) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that less than
or equal to the specified value.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.constant(double value,
long length) |
Returns a sequential unordered DoubleStreamEx of given length
which elements are equal to supplied value.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.distinct() |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.dropWhile(DoublePredicate predicate) |
Returns a stream consisting of all elements from this stream starting
from the first element which does not match the given predicate.
DoubleStreamEx |
IntStreamEx.elements(double[] array) |
Returns a DoubleStreamEx consisting of the elements of given
array corresponding to the indices which appear in this stream.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.empty() |
Returns an empty sequential DoubleStreamEx .
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.filter(DoublePredicate predicate) |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.flatMap(DoubleFunction<? extends DoubleStream> mapper) |
DoubleStreamEx |
AbstractStreamEx.flatMapToDouble(Function<? super T,? extends DoubleStream> mapper) |
DoubleStreamEx |
IntStreamEx.flatMapToDouble(IntFunction<? extends DoubleStream> mapper) |
Returns a DoubleStreamEx consisting of the results of replacing
each element of this stream with the contents of a mapped stream produced
by applying the provided mapping function to each element.
DoubleStreamEx |
LongStreamEx.flatMapToDouble(LongFunction<? extends DoubleStream> mapper) |
Returns a DoubleStreamEx consisting of the results of replacing
each element of this stream with the contents of a mapped stream produced
by applying the provided mapping function to each element.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.generate(DoubleSupplier s) |
Returns an infinite sequential unordered stream where each element is
generated by the provided DoubleSupplier .
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.greater(double value) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that strictly
greater than the specified value.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.intersperse(int delimiter) |
Returns a new stream containing all the elements of the original stream interspersed with
given delimiter.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.iterate(double seed,
DoublePredicate predicate,
DoubleUnaryOperator f) |
Returns a sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx produced by iterative
application of a function to an initial element, conditioned on
satisfying the supplied predicate.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.iterate(double seed,
DoubleUnaryOperator f) |
Returns an infinite sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx produced by
iterative application of a function f to an initial element
seed , producing a stream consisting of seed ,
f(seed) , f(f(seed)) , etc.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.less(double value) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that strictly
less than the specified value.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.limit(long maxSize) |
DoubleStreamEx | mapper) |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.mapFirst(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) |
Returns a stream where the first element is the replaced with the result
of applying the given function while the other elements are left intact.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.mapLast(DoubleUnaryOperator mapper) |
Returns a stream where the last element is the replaced with the result
of applying the given function while the other elements are left intact.
DoubleStreamEx |
AbstractStreamEx.mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T> mapper) |
DoubleStreamEx |
IntStreamEx.mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction mapper) |
DoubleStreamEx |
LongStreamEx.mapToDouble(LongToDoubleFunction mapper) |
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(double element) |
Returns a sequential DoubleStreamEx containing a single element.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(double... elements) |
Returns a sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx whose elements are
the specified values.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(double[] array,
int startInclusive,
int endExclusive) |
Returns a sequential DoubleStreamEx with the specified range of
the specified array as its source.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(float... elements) |
Returns a sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx whose elements are
the specified float values casted to double.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(float[] array,
int startInclusive,
int endExclusive) |
Returns a sequential DoubleStreamEx with the specified range of
the specified array as its source.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Double[] array) |
Returns a sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx whose elements are
the unboxed elements of supplied array.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(DoubleBuffer buf) |
Returns a sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx whose elements are
the values in the supplied DoubleBuffer .
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Collection<Double> collection) |
Returns a sequential ordered DoubleStreamEx whose elements are
the unboxed elements of supplied collection.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(OptionalDouble optional) |
Returns a sequential DoubleStreamEx containing an
OptionalDouble value, if present, otherwise returns an empty
DoubleStreamEx .
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator) |
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Random random) |
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom double
values, each between zero (inclusive) and one (exclusive) produced by
given Random object.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Random random,
double randomNumberOrigin,
double randomNumberBound) |
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom double
values, each conforming to the given origin (inclusive) and bound
(exclusive) produced by given Random object.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Random random,
long streamSize) |
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of
pseudorandom double values, each between zero (inclusive) and one
(exclusive) produced by given Random object.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Random random,
long streamSize,
double randomNumberOrigin,
double randomNumberBound) |
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of
pseudorandom double values, each conforming to the given origin
(inclusive) and bound (exclusive) produced by given Random
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator) |
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.of(DoubleStream stream) |
Returns a DoubleStreamEx object which wraps given
DoubleStream .
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.onClose(Runnable closeHandler) |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.pairMap(DoubleBinaryOperator mapper) |
Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function
to the every adjacent pair of elements of this stream.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.parallel() |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.parallel(ForkJoinPool fjp) |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.peek(DoubleConsumer action) |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.peekFirst(DoubleConsumer action) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally
performing the provided action on the first stream element when it's
consumed from the resulting stream.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.peekLast(DoubleConsumer action) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally
performing the provided action on the last stream element when it's
consumed from the resulting stream.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.prefix(DoubleBinaryOperator op) |
Returns a stream containing cumulative results of applying the
accumulation function going left to right.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.prepend(double... values) |
Returns a new DoubleStreamEx which is a concatenation of the
stream containing supplied values and this stream
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.prepend(DoubleStream other) |
Creates a lazily concatenated stream whose elements are all the elements
of the other stream followed by all the elements of this stream.
static DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.produce(Predicate<DoubleConsumer> producer) |
Return an ordered stream produced by consecutive calls of the supplied
producer until it returns false.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.remove(DoublePredicate predicate) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that don't
match the given predicate.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.reverseSorted() |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream in reverse
sorted order.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sequential() |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.skip(long n) |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sorted() |
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sorted(Comparator<Double> comparator) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream sorted
according to the given comparator.
<V extends Comparable<? super V>> DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sortedBy(DoubleFunction<V> keyExtractor) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted
according to the natural order of the keys extracted by provided
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sortedByDouble(DoubleUnaryOperator keyExtractor) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted
according to the double values extracted by provided function.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sortedByInt(DoubleToIntFunction keyExtractor) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted
according to the int values extracted by provided function.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.sortedByLong(DoubleToLongFunction keyExtractor) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted
according to the long values extracted by provided function.
default DoubleStreamEx | |
Returns the stream which covers all the elements emitted by this
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.takeWhile(DoublePredicate predicate) |
Returns a stream consisting of all elements from this stream until the
first element which does not match the given predicate is found.
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.takeWhileInclusive(DoublePredicate predicate) |
Returns a stream consisting of all elements from this stream until the
first element which does not match the given predicate is found
(including the first mismatching element).
DoubleStreamEx |
DoubleStreamEx.unordered() |
static DoubleStreamEx |[] first,
double[] second,
DoubleBinaryOperator mapper) |
Returns a sequential DoubleStreamEx containing the results of
applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of values in given
two arrays.