Class StreamEx<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of the stream elements
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Iterable<T>, BaseStream<T,​Stream<T>>, Stream<T>

    public class StreamEx<T>
    extends AbstractStreamEx<T,​StreamEx<T>>
    A Stream implementation with additional functionality.

    While StreamEx implements Iterable, it is not a general-purpose Iterable as it supports only a single Iterator; invoking the iterator method to obtain a second or subsequent iterator throws IllegalStateException.

    Tagir Valeev
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static interface  StreamEx.Emitter<T>
      A helper interface to build a new stream by emitting elements and creating new emitters in a chain.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      StreamEx<T> append​(Collection<? extends T> collection)
      Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of this stream and the stream created from supplied collection.
      StreamEx<T> append​(T value)
      Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of this stream and the supplied value.
      StreamEx<T> append​(T... values)
      Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of this stream and the supplied values.
      static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> cartesianPower​(int n, Collection<T> source)
      Returns a new StreamEx which elements are List objects containing all possible n-tuples of the elements of supplied collection.
      static <T,​U>
      cartesianPower​(int n, Collection<T> source, U identity, BiFunction<U,​? super T,​U> accumulator)
      Returns a new StreamEx which elements are results of reduction of all possible n-tuples composed from the elements of supplied collections.
      static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> cartesianProduct​(Collection<? extends Collection<T>> source)
      Returns a new StreamEx which elements are List objects containing all possible tuples of the elements of supplied collection of collections.
      static <T,​U>
      cartesianProduct​(Collection<? extends Collection<T>> source, U identity, BiFunction<U,​? super T,​U> accumulator)
      Returns a new StreamEx which elements are results of reduction of all possible tuples composed from the elements of supplied collection of collections.
      void close()  
      StreamEx<T> collapse​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> collapsible)
      Returns a stream consisting of elements of this stream where every series of elements matched the predicate is replaced with first element from the series.
      StreamEx<T> collapse​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> collapsible, BinaryOperator<T> merger)
      Merge series of adjacent elements which satisfy the given predicate using the merger function and return a new stream.
      collapse​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> collapsible, Collector<? super T,​A,​R> collector)
      Perform a partial mutable reduction using the supplied Collector on a series of adjacent elements.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> constant​(T value, long length)
      Returns a sequential unordered StreamEx of given length which elements are equal to supplied value.
      <V> EntryStream<T,​V> cross​(Collection<? extends V> other)
      Performs a cross product of current stream with specified Collection of elements.
      <V> EntryStream<T,​V> cross​(Function<? super T,​? extends Stream<? extends V>> mapper)
      Creates a new EntryStream whose keys are elements of current stream and corresponding values are supplied by given function.
      <V> EntryStream<T,​V> cross​(V... other)
      Performs a cross product of current stream with specified array of elements.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> empty()
      Returns an empty sequential StreamEx.
      <K> StreamEx<T> filterBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> mapper, K value)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream for which the supplied mapper function returns the given value.
      flatMapToEntry​(Function<? super T,​? extends Map<K,​V>> mapper)
      Creates a new EntryStream populated from entries of maps produced by supplied mapper function which is applied to the every element of this stream.
      void forPairs​(BiConsumer<? super T,​? super T> action)
      Performs an action for each adjacent pair of elements of this stream.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> generate​(Supplier<T> s)
      Returns an infinite sequential unordered StreamEx where each element is generated by the provided Supplier.
      <K> Map<K,​List<T>> groupingBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier)
      Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are Lists containing the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.
      <K,​D,​M extends Map<K,​D>>
      groupingBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier, Supplier<M> mapFactory, Collector<? super T,​?,​D> downstream)
      Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the result of reduction of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.
      groupingBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier, Collector<? super T,​?,​D> downstream)
      Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the result of reduction of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.
      <K,​C extends Collection<T>>
      groupingTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier, Supplier<C> collectionFactory)
      Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the collections of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.
      <K,​C extends Collection<T>,​M extends Map<K,​C>>
      groupingTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier, Supplier<M> mapFactory, Supplier<C> collectionFactory)
      Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the collections of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.
      StreamEx<List<T>> groupRuns​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> sameGroup)
      Returns a stream consisting of lists of elements of this stream where adjacent elements are grouped according to supplied predicate.
      boolean has​(T value)
      Returns true if this stream contains the specified value.
      <R> StreamEx<R> headTail​(BiFunction<? super T,​? super StreamEx<T>,​? extends Stream<R>> mapper)
      Creates a new Stream which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the first element of the current stream (head) and the stream containing the rest elements (tail).
      <R> StreamEx<R> headTail​(BiFunction<? super T,​? super StreamEx<T>,​? extends Stream<R>> mapper, Supplier<? extends Stream<R>> supplier)
      Creates a new Stream which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the first element of the current stream (head) and the stream containing the rest elements (tail) or supplier if the current stream is empty.
      StreamEx<T> ifEmpty​(T... values)
      Returns a stream which contents is the same as this stream, except the case when this stream is empty.
      <U> StreamEx<U> intervalMap​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> sameInterval, BiFunction<? super T,​? super T,​? extends U> mapper)
      Returns a stream consisting of results of applying the given function to the intervals created from the source elements.
      <C extends Collection<? super T>>
      into​(C collection)
      Drains the stream content into the supplied collection.
      boolean isParallel()  
      static <T> StreamEx<T> iterate​(T seed, Predicate<? super T> predicate, UnaryOperator<T> f)
      Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx produced by iterative application of a function to an initial element, conditioned on satisfying the supplied predicate.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> iterate​(T seed, UnaryOperator<T> f)
      Returns an infinite sequential ordered StreamEx produced by iterative application of a function f to an initial element seed, producing a StreamEx consisting of seed, f(seed), f(f(seed)), etc.
      String joining()
      Returns a String which is the concatenation of the results of calling String.valueOf(Object) on each element of this stream in encounter order.
      String joining​(CharSequence delimiter)
      Returns a String which is the concatenation of the results of calling String.valueOf(Object) on each element of this stream, separated by the specified delimiter, in encounter order.
      String joining​(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence suffix)
      Returns a String which is the concatenation of the results of calling String.valueOf(Object) on each element of this stream, separated by the specified delimiter, with the specified prefix and suffix in encounter order.
      StreamEx<T> mapFirst​(Function<? super T,​? extends T> mapper)
      Returns a stream where the first element is the replaced with the result of applying the given function while the other elements are left intact.
      <R> StreamEx<R> mapFirstOrElse​(Function<? super T,​? extends R> firstMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends R> notFirstMapper)
      Returns a stream where the first element is transformed using firstMapper function and other elements are transformed using notFirstMapper function.
      StreamEx<T> mapLast​(Function<? super T,​? extends T> mapper)
      Returns a stream where the last element is the replaced with the result of applying the given function while the other elements are left intact.
      <R> StreamEx<R> mapLastOrElse​(Function<? super T,​? extends R> notLastMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends R> lastMapper)
      Returns a stream where the last element is transformed using lastMapper function and other elements are transformed using notLastMapper function.
      mapToEntry​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valueMapper)
      Returns an EntryStream consisting of the Map.Entry objects which keys and values are results of applying the given functions to the elements of this stream.
      <V> EntryStream<T,​V> mapToEntry​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valueMapper)
      Returns an EntryStream consisting of the Map.Entry objects which keys are elements of this stream and values are results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream.
      StreamEx<T> nonNull()
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that aren't null.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Collection<? extends T> collection)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx with given collection as its source.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Enumeration<? extends T> enumeration)
      Returns a sequential, ordered StreamEx created from given Enumeration.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Iterator<? extends T> iterator)
      Returns a sequential, ordered StreamEx created from given Iterator.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Optional<? extends T> optional)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx containing an Optional value, if present, otherwise returns an empty StreamEx.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Spliterator<? extends T> spliterator)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx created from given Spliterator.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Stream<T> stream)
      Returns an StreamEx object which wraps given Stream.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(T element)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx containing a single element.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(T... elements)
      Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx whose elements are the specified values.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(T[] array, int startInclusive, int endExclusive)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx with the specified range of the specified array as its source.
      static StreamEx<int[]> ofCombinations​(int n, int k)
      Returns a new StreamEx of int[] arrays containing all the possible combinations of length k consisting of numbers from 0 to n-1 in lexicographic order.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> ofKeys​(Map<T,​?> map)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx with keySet of given Map as its source.
      static <T,​V>
      ofKeys​(Map<T,​V> map, Predicate<? super V> valueFilter)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx of given Map keys which corresponding values match the supplied filter.
      static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(BufferedReader reader)
      Returns a StreamEx, the elements of which are lines read from the supplied BufferedReader.
      static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(Reader reader)
      Returns a StreamEx, the elements of which are lines read from the supplied Reader.
      static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(Path path)
      Read all lines from a file as a StreamEx.
      static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(Path path, Charset charset)
      Read all lines from a file as a StreamEx.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> ofNullable​(T element)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx containing a single element, if non-null, otherwise returns an empty StreamEx.
      static <U,​T>
      ofPairs​(List<U> list, BiFunction<? super U,​? super U,​? extends T> mapper)
      Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx containing the results of applying the given mapper function to the all possible pairs of elements taken from the provided list.
      static <U,​T>
      ofPairs​(U[] array, BiFunction<? super U,​? super U,​? extends T> mapper)
      Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx containing the results of applying the given mapper function to the all possible pairs of elements taken from the provided array.
      static StreamEx<int[]> ofPermutations​(int length)
      Returns a new StreamEx of int[] arrays containing all the possible permutations of numbers from 0 to length-1 in lexicographic order.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> ofReversed​(List<? extends T> list)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx which elements are elements of given list in descending order.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> ofReversed​(T[] array)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx which elements are elements of given array in descending order.
      static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> ofSubLists​(List<T> source, int length)
      Returns a new StreamEx which consists of non-overlapping sublists of given source list having the specified length (the last sublist may be shorter).
      static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> ofSubLists​(List<T> source, int length, int shift)
      Returns a new StreamEx which consists of possibly-overlapping sublists of given source list having the specified length with given shift value.
      static <T,​TT extends T>
      ofTree​(T root, Class<TT> collectionClass, Function<TT,​Stream<T>> mapper)
      Return a new StreamEx containing all the nodes of tree-like data structure in depth-first order.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> ofTree​(T root, Function<T,​Stream<T>> mapper)
      Return a new StreamEx containing all the nodes of tree-like data structure in depth-first order.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> ofValues​(Map<?,​T> map)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx with values of given Map as its source.
      static <K,​T>
      ofValues​(Map<K,​T> map, Predicate<? super K> keyFilter)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx of given Map values which corresponding keys match the supplied filter.
      Map<Boolean,​List<T>> partitioningBy​(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
      Returns a Map<Boolean, List<T>> which contains two partitions of the input elements according to a Predicate.
      <D> Map<Boolean,​D> partitioningBy​(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Collector<? super T,​?,​D> downstream)
      Returns a Map<Boolean, D> which contains two partitions of the input elements according to a Predicate, which are reduced according to the supplied Collector.
      <C extends Collection<T>>
      partitioningTo​(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<C> collectionFactory)
      Returns a Map<Boolean, C> which contains two partitions of the input elements according to a Predicate.
      StreamEx<T> peekFirst​(Consumer<? super T> action)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on the first stream element when it's consumed from the resulting stream.
      StreamEx<T> peekLast​(Consumer<? super T> action)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on the last stream element when it's consumed from the resulting stream.
      StreamEx<T> prepend​(Collection<? extends T> collection)
      Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of the stream created from supplied collection and this stream.
      StreamEx<T> prepend​(T value)
      Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of supplied value and this stream.
      StreamEx<T> prepend​(T... values)
      Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of supplied values and this stream.
      static <T> StreamEx<T> produce​(Predicate<Consumer<? super T>> producer)
      Return an ordered stream produced by consecutive calls of the supplied producer until it returns false.
      <K> StreamEx<T> removeBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> mapper, K value)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream except those for which the supplied mapper function returns the given value.
      StreamEx<T> reverseSorted()
      Returns a StreamEx consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted according to reverse natural order.
      EntryStream<T,​Long> runLengths()
      Collapses adjacent equal elements and returns an EntryStream where keys are input elements and values specify how many elements were collapsed.
      <TT> StreamEx<TT> select​(Class<TT> clazz)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream which are instances of given class.
      static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str, char delimiter)
      Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given character.
      static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str, char delimiter, boolean trimEmpty)
      Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given character.
      static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str, String regex)
      Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given pattern represented as String.
      static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str, Pattern pattern)
      Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given pattern.
      Spliterator<T> spliterator()  
      <A> A[] toArray​(A[] emptyArray)
      Returns an array containing all the stream elements.
      <A> A[] toArray​(Class<A> elementClass)
      Returns an array containing all the stream elements using the supplied element type class to allocate an array.
      <U,​C extends Collection<U>>
      toFlatCollection​(Function<? super T,​? extends Collection<U>> mapper, Supplier<C> supplier)
      Returns a collection created by provided supplier function which contains all the elements of the collections generated by provided mapper from each element of this stream.
      <U> List<U> toFlatList​(Function<? super T,​? extends Collection<U>> mapper)
      Returns a List which contains all the elements of the collections generated by provided mapper from each element of this stream.
      toMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
      Returns a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      toMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper, BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction)
      Returns a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      <V> Map<T,​V> toMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
      Returns a Map whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      toNavigableMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
      Returns a NavigableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      toNavigableMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper, BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction)
      Returns a NavigableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      <V> NavigableMap<T,​V> toNavigableMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
      Returns a NavigableMap whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      toSortedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
      Returns a SortedMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      toSortedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper, BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction)
      Returns a SortedMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      <V> SortedMap<T,​V> toSortedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
      Returns a SortedMap whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.
      EntryStream<T,​T> withFirst()
      Creates an EntryStream consisting of the Map.Entry objects which keys are all the same and equal to the first element of this stream and values are the rest elements of this stream.
      <R> StreamEx<R> withFirst​(BiFunction<? super T,​? super T,​? extends R> mapper)
      Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the the first element and every other element of this stream.
      StreamEx<T> without​(T value)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that don't equal to the given value.
      StreamEx<T> without​(T... values)
      Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that don't equal to any of the supplied values.
      static <U,​V,​T>
      zip​(List<U> first, List<V> second, BiFunction<? super U,​? super V,​? extends T> mapper)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx containing the results of applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of values in given two lists.
      static <U,​V,​T>
      zip​(U[] first, V[] second, BiFunction<? super U,​? super V,​? extends T> mapper)
      Returns a sequential StreamEx containing the results of applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of values in given two arrays.
      <V> EntryStream<T,​V> zipWith​(BaseStream<V,​?> other)
      Creates a new EntryStream which keys are elements of this stream and values are the corresponding elements of the supplied other stream.
      zipWith​(BaseStream<V,​?> other, BiFunction<? super T,​? super V,​? extends R> mapper)
      Creates a new StreamEx which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the corresponding elements of this stream and the supplied other stream.
      <V> EntryStream<T,​V> zipWith​(Stream<V> other)
      Creates a new EntryStream which keys are elements of this stream and values are the corresponding elements of the supplied other stream.
      zipWith​(Stream<V> other, BiFunction<? super T,​? super V,​? extends R> mapper)
      Creates a new StreamEx which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the corresponding elements of this stream and the supplied other stream.
    • Method Detail

      • select

        public <TT> StreamEx<TT> select​(Class<TT> clazz)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream which are instances of given class.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        TT - a type of instances to select.
        clazz - a class which instances should be selected
        the new stream
      • filterBy

        public <K> StreamEx<T> filterBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> mapper,
                                        K value)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream for which the supplied mapper function returns the given value.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        This method behaves like filter(t -> Objects.equals(value, mapper.apply(t))).

        Type Parameters:
        K - type of the value returned by mapper function.
        mapper - a non-interfering , stateless function which is applied to the stream element and its returned value is compared with the supplied value.
        value - a value the mapper function must return to pass the filter.
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • removeBy

        public <K> StreamEx<T> removeBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> mapper,
                                        K value)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream except those for which the supplied mapper function returns the given value.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        This method behaves like filter(t -> !Objects.equals(value, mapper.apply(t))).

        Type Parameters:
        K - type of the value returned by mapper function.
        mapper - a non-interfering , stateless function which is applied to the stream element and its returned value is compared with the supplied value.
        value - a value the mapper function must not return to pass the filter.
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • mapToEntry

        public <V> EntryStream<T,​V> mapToEntry​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valueMapper)
        Returns an EntryStream consisting of the Map.Entry objects which keys are elements of this stream and values are results of applying the given function to the elements of this stream.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        V - The Entry value type
        valueMapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        the new stream
      • mapToEntry

        public <K,​V> EntryStream<K,​V> mapToEntry​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                             Function<? super T,​? extends V> valueMapper)
        Returns an EntryStream consisting of the Map.Entry objects which keys and values are results of applying the given functions to the elements of this stream.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - The Entry key type
        V - The Entry value type
        keyMapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        valueMapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        the new stream
      • mapFirstOrElse

        public <R> StreamEx<R> mapFirstOrElse​(Function<? super T,​? extends R> firstMapper,
                                              Function<? super T,​? extends R> notFirstMapper)
        Returns a stream where the first element is transformed using firstMapper function and other elements are transformed using notFirstMapper function.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        R - The element type of the new stream element
        firstMapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to the first element
        notFirstMapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to all elements except the first one.
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • mapLast

        public StreamEx<T> mapLast​(Function<? super T,​? extends T> mapper)
        Returns a stream where the last element is the replaced with the result of applying the given function while the other elements are left intact.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The mapper function is called at most once. It could be not called at all if the stream is empty or there is short-circuiting operation downstream.

        mapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to the last element
        the new stream
      • mapLastOrElse

        public <R> StreamEx<R> mapLastOrElse​(Function<? super T,​? extends R> notLastMapper,
                                             Function<? super T,​? extends R> lastMapper)
        Returns a stream where the last element is transformed using lastMapper function and other elements are transformed using notLastMapper function.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        R - The element type of the new stream element
        notLastMapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to all elements except the last one.
        lastMapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to the last element
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • peekFirst

        public StreamEx<T> peekFirst​(Consumer<? super T> action)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on the first stream element when it's consumed from the resulting stream.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        The action is called at most once. For parallel stream pipelines, it's not guaranteed in which thread it will be executed, so if it modifies shared state, it is responsible for providing the required synchronization.

        Note that the action might not be called at all if the first element is not consumed from the input (for example, if there's short-circuiting operation downstream which stopped the stream before the first element).

        This method exists mainly to support debugging.

        action - a non-interfering action to perform on the first stream element as it is consumed from the stream
        the new stream
      • peekLast

        public StreamEx<T> peekLast​(Consumer<? super T> action)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on the last stream element when it's consumed from the resulting stream.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        The action is called at most once. For parallel stream pipelines, it's not guaranteed in which thread it will be executed, so if it modifies shared state, it is responsible for providing the required synchronization.

        Note that the action might not be called at all if the last element is not consumed from the input (for example, if there's short-circuiting operation downstream).

        This method exists mainly to support debugging.

        action - a non-interfering action to perform on the first stream element as it is consumed from the stream
        the new stream
      • flatMapToEntry

        public <K,​V> EntryStream<K,​V> flatMapToEntry​(Function<? super T,​? extends Map<K,​V>> mapper)
        Creates a new EntryStream populated from entries of maps produced by supplied mapper function which is applied to the every element of this stream.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of Map keys.
        V - the type of Map values.
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element which produces a Map of the entries corresponding to the single element of the current stream. The mapper function may return null or empty Map if no mapping should correspond to some element.
        the new EntryStream
      • cross

        public <V> EntryStream<T,​V> cross​(V... other)
        Performs a cross product of current stream with specified array of elements. As a result the EntryStream is created whose keys are elements of current stream and values are elements of the specified array.

        The resulting stream contains all the possible combinations of keys and values.

        For example, writing StreamEx.of(1, 2).cross("a", "b"), you will have an ordered stream of the following entries: [1, "a"], [1, "b"], [2, "a"], [2, "b"].

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of array elements
        other - the array to perform a cross product with
        the new EntryStream
        NullPointerException - if other is null
      • cross

        public <V> EntryStream<T,​V> cross​(Collection<? extends V> other)
        Performs a cross product of current stream with specified Collection of elements. As a result the EntryStream is created whose keys are elements of current stream and values are elements of the specified collection.

        The resulting stream contains all the possible combinations of keys and values.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of collection elements
        other - the collection to perform a cross product with
        the new EntryStream
        NullPointerException - if other is null
      • cross

        public <V> EntryStream<T,​V> cross​(Function<? super T,​? extends Stream<? extends V>> mapper)
        Creates a new EntryStream whose keys are elements of current stream and corresponding values are supplied by given function. Each mapped stream is closed after its contents have been placed into this stream. (If a mapped stream is null an empty stream is used, instead.)

        This is an intermediate operation.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of values.
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element which produces a stream of the values corresponding to the single element of the current stream.
        the new EntryStream
      • groupingBy

        public <K> Map<K,​List<T>> groupingBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier)
        Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are Lists containing the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability or serializability of the Map or List objects returned.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the keys
        classifier - the classifier function mapping input elements to keys
        a Map containing the results of the group-by operation
        See Also:
        groupingBy(Function, Collector), Collectors.groupingBy(Function), Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(Function)
      • groupingBy

        public <K,​D> Map<K,​D> groupingBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier,
                                                     Collector<? super T,​?,​D> downstream)
        Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the result of reduction of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability or serializability of the Map objects returned.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the keys
        D - the result type of the downstream reduction
        classifier - the classifier function mapping input elements to keys
        downstream - a Collector implementing the downstream reduction
        a Map containing the results of the group-by operation
        See Also:
        groupingBy(Function), Collectors.groupingBy(Function, Collector), Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(Function, Collector)
      • groupingBy

        public <K,​D,​M extends Map<K,​D>> M groupingBy​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier,
                                                                       Supplier<M> mapFactory,
                                                                       Collector<? super T,​?,​D> downstream)
        Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the result of reduction of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.

        The Map will be created using the provided factory function.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the keys
        D - the result type of the downstream reduction
        M - the type of the resulting Map
        classifier - the classifier function mapping input elements to keys
        mapFactory - a function which, when called, produces a new empty Map of the desired type
        downstream - a Collector implementing the downstream reduction
        a Map containing the results of the group-by operation
        See Also:
        groupingBy(Function), Collectors.groupingBy(Function, Supplier, Collector), Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(Function, Supplier, Collector)
      • groupingTo

        public <K,​C extends Collection<T>> Map<K,​C> groupingTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier,
                                                                           Supplier<C> collectionFactory)
        Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the collections of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability or serializability of the Map objects returned.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the keys
        C - the type of the collection used in resulting Map values
        classifier - the classifier function mapping input elements to keys
        collectionFactory - a function which returns a new empty Collection which will be used to store the stream elements.
        a Map containing the results of the group-by operation
        See Also:
        groupingBy(Function, Collector), Collectors.groupingBy(Function, Collector), Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(Function, Collector)
      • groupingTo

        public <K,​C extends Collection<T>,​M extends Map<K,​C>> M groupingTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> classifier,
                                                                                             Supplier<M> mapFactory,
                                                                                             Supplier<C> collectionFactory)
        Returns a Map whose keys are the values resulting from applying the classification function to the input elements, and whose corresponding values are the collections of the input elements which map to the associated key under the classification function.

        The Map will be created using the provided factory function.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the keys
        C - the type of the collection used in resulting Map values
        M - the type of the resulting Map
        classifier - the classifier function mapping input elements to keys
        mapFactory - a function which, when called, produces a new empty Map of the desired type
        collectionFactory - a function which returns a new empty Collection which will be used to store the stream elements.
        a Map containing the results of the group-by operation
        See Also:
        groupingTo(Function, Supplier), Collectors.groupingBy(Function, Supplier, Collector), Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(Function, Supplier, Collector)
      • partitioningBy

        public Map<Boolean,​List<T>> partitioningBy​(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
        Returns a Map<Boolean, List<T>> which contains two partitions of the input elements according to a Predicate.

        This is a terminal operation.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the Map returned.

        predicate - a predicate used for classifying input elements
        a Map<Boolean, List<T>> which Boolean.TRUE key is mapped to the list of the stream elements for which predicate is true and Boolean.FALSE key is mapped to the list of all other stream elements.
        See Also:
        partitioningBy(Predicate, Collector), Collectors.partitioningBy(Predicate)
      • partitioningBy

        public <D> Map<Boolean,​D> partitioningBy​(Predicate<? super T> predicate,
                                                       Collector<? super T,​?,​D> downstream)
        Returns a Map<Boolean, D> which contains two partitions of the input elements according to a Predicate, which are reduced according to the supplied Collector.

        This is a terminal operation. The operation may short-circuit if the downstream collector is short-circuiting.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the Map returned.

        Type Parameters:
        D - the result type of the downstream reduction
        predicate - a predicate used for classifying input elements
        downstream - a Collector implementing the downstream reduction
        a Map<Boolean, List<T>> which Boolean.TRUE key is mapped to the result of downstream Collector collecting the the stream elements for which predicate is true and Boolean.FALSE key is mapped to the result of downstream Collector collecting the other stream elements.
        See Also:
        partitioningBy(Predicate), Collectors.partitioningBy(Predicate, Collector)
      • partitioningTo

        public <C extends Collection<T>> Map<Boolean,​C> partitioningTo​(Predicate<? super T> predicate,
                                                                             Supplier<C> collectionFactory)
        Returns a Map<Boolean, C> which contains two partitions of the input elements according to a Predicate.

        This is a terminal operation.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the Map returned.

        Type Parameters:
        C - the type of Collection used as returned Map values.
        predicate - a predicate used for classifying input elements
        collectionFactory - a function which returns a new empty Collection which will be used to store the stream elements.
        a Map<Boolean, C> which Boolean.TRUE key is mapped to the collection of the stream elements for which predicate is true and Boolean.FALSE key is mapped to the collection of all other stream elements.
        See Also:
        partitioningBy(Predicate, Collector), Collectors.partitioningBy(Predicate)
      • joining

        public String joining()
        Returns a String which is the concatenation of the results of calling String.valueOf(Object) on each element of this stream in encounter order.

        This is a terminal operation.

        the result of concatenation. For empty input stream empty String is returned.
      • joining

        public String joining​(CharSequence delimiter)
        Returns a String which is the concatenation of the results of calling String.valueOf(Object) on each element of this stream, separated by the specified delimiter, in encounter order.

        This is a terminal operation.

        delimiter - the delimiter to be used between each element
        the result of concatenation. For empty input stream empty String is returned.
      • joining

        public String joining​(CharSequence delimiter,
                              CharSequence prefix,
                              CharSequence suffix)
        Returns a String which is the concatenation of the results of calling String.valueOf(Object) on each element of this stream, separated by the specified delimiter, with the specified prefix and suffix in encounter order.

        This is a terminal operation.

        delimiter - the delimiter to be used between each element
        prefix - the sequence of characters to be used at the beginning of the joined result
        suffix - the sequence of characters to be used at the end of the joined result
        the result of concatenation. For empty input stream prefix + suffix is returned.
      • toArray

        public <A> A[] toArray​(Class<A> elementClass)
        Returns an array containing all the stream elements using the supplied element type class to allocate an array.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type of the resulting array
        elementClass - the type of array elements
        an array containing the elements in this stream
        ArrayStoreException - if the runtime type of the array returned from the array generator is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in this stream
        See Also:
      • toArray

        public <A> A[] toArray​(A[] emptyArray)
        Returns an array containing all the stream elements. If the stream happens to contain no elements, the supplied empty array is returned instead. Otherwise the new array is allocated which element type is the same as the element type of supplied empty array.

        This is a terminal operation.

        This method is useful when the stream is expected to return empty arrays often, so the same instance of empty array (presumably declared in some static final field) can be reused.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type of the resulting array
        emptyArray - an empty array of the resulting type
        an array containing the elements in this stream or the passed empty array if the stream is empty
        ArrayStoreException - if the runtime type of the array returned from the array generator is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in this stream
        See Also:
      • toFlatCollection

        public <U,​C extends Collection<U>> C toFlatCollection​(Function<? super T,​? extends Collection<U>> mapper,
                                                                    Supplier<C> supplier)
        Returns a collection created by provided supplier function which contains all the elements of the collections generated by provided mapper from each element of this stream.

        This is a terminal operation.

        This method is equivalent to flatCollection(mapper).toCollection(supplier), but may work faster.

        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the elements of the resulting collection
        C - the type of the resulting collection
        mapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to each element which produces a Collection of new values
        supplier - a supplier for the resulting collection
        the new collection.
      • toFlatList

        public <U> List<U> toFlatList​(Function<? super T,​? extends Collection<U>> mapper)
        Returns a List which contains all the elements of the collections generated by provided mapper from each element of this stream. There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List returned; if more control over the returned List is required, use toFlatCollection(Function, Supplier).

        This is a terminal operation.

        This method is equivalent to flatCollection(mapper).toList(), but may work faster.

        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the elements of the resulting collection
        mapper - a non-interfering , stateless function to apply to each element which produces a Collection of new values
        the new list.
      • toMap

        public <K,​V> Map<K,​V> toMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
        Returns a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        Returned Map is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        For parallel stream the concurrent Map is created.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying mapping functions to the input elements
        IllegalStateException - if duplicate mapped key is found (according to Object.equals(Object))
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function), toMap(Function)
      • toMap

        public <K,​V> Map<K,​V> toMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper,
                                                BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction)
        Returns a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If the mapped keys contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), the value mapping function is applied to each equal element, and the results are merged using the provided merging function.

        Returned Map is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        mergeFunction - a merge function, used to resolve collisions between values associated with the same key, as supplied to Map.merge(Object, Object, BiFunction)
        a Map whose keys are the result of applying a key mapping function to the input elements, and whose values are the result of applying a value mapping function to all input elements equal to the key and combining them using the merge function
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator), toMap(Function, Function)
      • into

        public <C extends Collection<? super T>> C into​(C collection)
        Drains the stream content into the supplied collection.

        This is a terminal operation.

        The stream content is added into the collection using either Collection.add(Object) or Collection.addAll(Collection) method.

        Type Parameters:
        C - type of the resulting collection
        collection - a mutable collection to add new elements into
        the supplied collection, updated from this stream
      • toSortedMap

        public <V> SortedMap<T,​V> toSortedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
        Returns a SortedMap whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If this stream contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), an IllegalStateException is thrown when the collection operation is performed.

        For parallel stream the concurrent SortedMap is created.

        Returned SortedMap is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a SortedMap whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying mapping function to the input elements
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function), toSortedMap(Function, Function), toNavigableMap(Function)
      • toSortedMap

        public <K,​V> SortedMap<K,​V> toSortedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                            Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
        Returns a SortedMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If the mapped keys contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), an IllegalStateException is thrown when the collection operation is performed.

        For parallel stream the concurrent SortedMap is created.

        Returned SortedMap is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a SortedMap whose keys and values are the result of applying mapping functions to the input elements
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function), toSortedMap(Function), toNavigableMap(Function, Function)
      • toSortedMap

        public <K,​V> SortedMap<K,​V> toSortedMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                            Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper,
                                                            BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction)
        Returns a SortedMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If the mapped keys contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), the value mapping function is applied to each equal element, and the results are merged using the provided merging function.

        Returned SortedMap is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        mergeFunction - a merge function, used to resolve collisions between values associated with the same key, as supplied to Map.merge(Object, Object, BiFunction)
        a SortedMap whose keys are the result of applying a key mapping function to the input elements, and whose values are the result of applying a value mapping function to all input elements equal to the key and combining them using the merge function
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator), toSortedMap(Function, Function), toNavigableMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator)
      • toNavigableMap

        public <V> NavigableMap<T,​V> toNavigableMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
        Returns a NavigableMap whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If this stream contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), an IllegalStateException is thrown when the collection operation is performed.

        For parallel stream the concurrent NavigableMap is created.

        Returned NavigableMap is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a NavigableMap whose keys are elements from this stream and values are the result of applying mapping function to the input elements
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function), toNavigableMap(Function, Function)
      • toNavigableMap

        public <K,​V> NavigableMap<K,​V> toNavigableMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                                  Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper)
        Returns a NavigableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If the mapped keys contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), an IllegalStateException is thrown when the collection operation is performed.

        For parallel stream the concurrent NavigableMap is created.

        Returned NavigableMap is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        a NavigableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying mapping functions to the input elements
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function), toNavigableMap(Function)
      • toNavigableMap

        public <K,​V> NavigableMap<K,​V> toNavigableMap​(Function<? super T,​? extends K> keyMapper,
                                                                  Function<? super T,​? extends V> valMapper,
                                                                  BinaryOperator<V> mergeFunction)
        Returns a NavigableMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

        This is a terminal operation.

        If the mapped keys contains duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object)), the value mapping function is applied to each equal element, and the results are merged using the provided merging function.

        Returned NavigableMap is guaranteed to be modifiable.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the output type of the key mapping function
        V - the output type of the value mapping function
        keyMapper - a mapping function to produce keys
        valMapper - a mapping function to produce values
        mergeFunction - a merge function, used to resolve collisions between values associated with the same key, as supplied to Map.merge(Object, Object, BiFunction)
        a NavigableMap whose keys are the result of applying a key mapping function to the input elements, and whose values are the result of applying a value mapping function to all input elements equal to the key and combining them using the merge function
        See Also:
        Collectors.toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator), Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator), toNavigableMap(Function, Function)
      • append

        public final StreamEx<T> append​(T... values)
        Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of this stream and the supplied values.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        May return this if no values are supplied.

        values - the values to append to the stream
        the new stream
      • append

        public StreamEx<T> append​(Collection<? extends T> collection)
        Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of this stream and the stream created from supplied collection.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        May return this if the supplied collection is empty and non-concurrent.

        collection - the collection to append to the stream
        the new stream
      • prepend

        public StreamEx<T> prepend​(Collection<? extends T> collection)
        Returns a new StreamEx which is a concatenation of the stream created from supplied collection and this stream.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation with tail-stream optimization.

        May return this if the supplied collection is empty and non-concurrent.

        collection - the collection to prepend to the stream
        the new stream
      • ifEmpty

        public final StreamEx<T> ifEmpty​(T... values)
        Returns a stream which contents is the same as this stream, except the case when this stream is empty. In this case, its contents is replaced with supplied values.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        values - values to replace the contents of this stream if this stream is empty.
        the stream which contents is replaced by supplied values only if this stream is empty.
      • has

        public boolean has​(T value)
        Returns true if this stream contains the specified value.

        This is a short-circuiting terminal operation.

        value - the value to look for in the stream. If the value is null then the method will return true if this stream contains at least one null. Otherwise value.equals() will be called to compare stream elements with the value.
        true if this stream contains the specified value
        See Also:
      • without

        public StreamEx<T> without​(T value)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that don't equal to the given value.

        This is an intermediate operation.

        value - the value to remove from the stream. If the value is null then all nulls will be removed (like nonNull() works). Otherwise value.equals() will be used to test stream values and matching elements will be removed.
        the new stream
        See Also:
        without(Object...), AbstractStreamEx.remove(Predicate)
      • without

        public final StreamEx<T> without​(T... values)
        Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that don't equal to any of the supplied values.

        This is an intermediate operation. May return itself if no values were supplied.

        Current implementation scans the supplied values linearly for every stream element. If you have many values, consider using more efficient alternative instead. For example, remove(StreamEx.of(values).toSet()::contains).

        Future implementations may take advantage on using hashCode() or compareTo for Comparable objects to improve the performance.

        If the values array is changed between calling this method and finishing the stream traversal, then the result of the stream traversal is undefined: changes may or may not be taken into account.

        values - the values to remove from the stream.
        the new stream
        See Also:
        without(Object), AbstractStreamEx.remove(Predicate)
      • reverseSorted

        public StreamEx<T> reverseSorted()
        Returns a StreamEx consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted according to reverse natural order. If the elements of this stream are not Comparable, a ClassCastException may be thrown when the terminal operation is executed.

        For ordered streams, the sort is stable. For unordered streams, no stability guarantees are made.

        This is a stateful intermediate operation.

        the new stream
      • forPairs

        public void forPairs​(BiConsumer<? super T,​? super T> action)
        Performs an action for each adjacent pair of elements of this stream.

        This is a terminal operation.

        The behavior of this operation is explicitly non-deterministic. For parallel stream pipelines, this operation does not guarantee to respect the encounter order of the stream, as doing so would sacrifice the benefit of parallelism. For any given element, the action may be performed at whatever time and in whatever thread the library chooses. If the action accesses shared state, it is responsible for providing the required synchronization.

        action - a non-interfering action to perform on the elements
      • collapse

        public StreamEx<T> collapse​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> collapsible,
                                    BinaryOperator<T> merger)
        Merge series of adjacent elements which satisfy the given predicate using the merger function and return a new stream.

        This is a quasi-intermediate partial reduction operation.

        This operation is equivalent to collapse(collapsible, Collectors.reducing(merger)).map(Optional::get) , but more efficient.

        collapsible - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to the pair of adjacent elements of the input stream which returns true for elements which are collapsible.
        merger - a non-interfering, stateless, associative function to merge two adjacent elements for which collapsible predicate returned true. Note that it can be applied to the results if previous merges.
        the new stream
      • collapse

        public <R,​A> StreamEx<R> collapse​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> collapsible,
                                                Collector<? super T,​A,​R> collector)
        Perform a partial mutable reduction using the supplied Collector on a series of adjacent elements.

        This is a quasi-intermediate partial reduction operation.

        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the elements in the resulting stream
        A - the intermediate accumulation type of the Collector
        collapsible - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to the pair of adjacent elements of the input stream which returns true for elements which should be collected together.
        collector - a Collector which is used to combine the adjacent elements.
        the new stream
      • collapse

        public StreamEx<T> collapse​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> collapsible)
        Returns a stream consisting of elements of this stream where every series of elements matched the predicate is replaced with first element from the series.

        This is a quasi-intermediate partial reduction operation.

        This operation is equivalent to collapse(collapsible, MoreCollectors.first()).map(Optional::get) , but more efficient.

        Note that this operation always tests the adjacent pairs of input elements. In some scenarios it's desired to test every element with the first element of the current series. In this case, consider using MoreCollectors.dominators(BiPredicate) collector instead.

        For sorted stream collapse(Objects::equals) is equivalent to distinct().

        collapsible - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to the pair of adjacent input elements which returns true for elements which are collapsible.
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • runLengths

        public EntryStream<T,​Long> runLengths()
        Collapses adjacent equal elements and returns an EntryStream where keys are input elements and values specify how many elements were collapsed.

        This is a quasi-intermediate partial reduction operation.

        For sorted input runLengths().toMap() is the same as groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()), but may perform faster. For unsorted input the resulting stream may contain repeating keys.

        the new stream
      • groupRuns

        public StreamEx<List<T>> groupRuns​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> sameGroup)
        Returns a stream consisting of lists of elements of this stream where adjacent elements are grouped according to supplied predicate.

        This is a quasi-intermediate partial reduction operation.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List objects of the resulting stream.

        This operation is equivalent to collapse(sameGroup, Collectors.toList()), but more efficient.

        sameGroup - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to the pair of adjacent elements which returns true for elements which belong to the same group.
        the new stream
      • intervalMap

        public <U> StreamEx<U> intervalMap​(BiPredicate<? super T,​? super T> sameInterval,
                                           BiFunction<? super T,​? super T,​? extends U> mapper)
        Returns a stream consisting of results of applying the given function to the intervals created from the source elements.

        This is a quasi-intermediate partial reduction operation. This operation is the same as groupRuns(sameInterval).map(list -> mapper.apply(list.get(0), list.get(list.size()-1))) , but has less overhead as only first and last elements of each interval are tracked.

        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the resulting elements
        sameInterval - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to the pair of adjacent elements which returns true for elements which belong to the same interval.
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to the interval borders and produce the resulting element. If value was not merged to the interval, then mapper will receive the same value twice, otherwise it will receive the leftmost and the rightmost values which were merged to the interval. Intermediate interval elements are not available to the mapper. If they are important, consider using groupRuns(BiPredicate) and map afterwards.
        the new stream
        See Also:
        collapse(BiPredicate, BinaryOperator), groupRuns(BiPredicate)
      • withFirst

        public <R> StreamEx<R> withFirst​(BiFunction<? super T,​? super T,​? extends R> mapper)
        Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the the first element and every other element of this stream.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The size of the resulting stream is one element less than the input stream. If the input stream is empty or contains just one element, then the output stream will be empty.

        Type Parameters:
        R - The element type of the new stream
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to the first stream element and every other element
        the new stream
        See Also:
        withFirst(), headTail(BiFunction)
      • withFirst

        public EntryStream<T,​T> withFirst()
        Creates an EntryStream consisting of the Map.Entry objects which keys are all the same and equal to the first element of this stream and values are the rest elements of this stream.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The size of the resulting stream is one element less than the input stream. If the input stream is empty or contains just one element, then the output stream will be empty.

        the new stream
        See Also:
        withFirst(BiFunction), headTail(BiFunction)
      • zipWith

        public <V,​R> StreamEx<R> zipWith​(Stream<V> other,
                                               BiFunction<? super T,​? super V,​? extends R> mapper)
        Creates a new StreamEx which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the corresponding elements of this stream and the supplied other stream. The resulting stream is ordered if both of the input streams are ordered, and parallel if either of the input streams is parallel. When the resulting stream is closed, the close handlers for both input streams are invoked.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The resulting stream finishes when either of the input streams finish: the rest of the longer stream is discarded. It's unspecified whether the rest elements of the longer stream are actually consumed.

        The stream created by this operation may have poor characteristics and parallelize badly, so it should be used only when there's no other choice. If both input streams are random-access lists or arrays, consider using zip(List, List, BiFunction) or zip(Object[], Object[], BiFunction) respectively. If you want to zip the stream with the stream of indices, consider using EntryStream.of(List) instead.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of the other stream elements
        R - the type of the resulting stream elements
        other - the stream to zip this stream with
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to the corresponding pairs of this stream and other stream elements
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • zipWith

        public <V,​R> StreamEx<R> zipWith​(BaseStream<V,​?> other,
                                               BiFunction<? super T,​? super V,​? extends R> mapper)
        Creates a new StreamEx which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the corresponding elements of this stream and the supplied other stream. The resulting stream is ordered if both of the input streams are ordered, and parallel if either of the input streams is parallel. When the resulting stream is closed, the close handlers for both input streams are invoked.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The resulting stream finishes when either of the input streams finish: the rest of the longer stream is discarded. It's unspecified whether the rest elements of the longer stream are actually consumed.

        The stream created by this operation may have poor characteristics and parallelize badly, so it should be used only when there's no other choice. If both input streams are random-access lists or arrays, consider using zip(List, List, BiFunction) or zip(Object[], Object[], BiFunction) respectively. If you want to zip the stream with the stream of indices, consider using EntryStream.of(List) instead.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of the other stream elements
        R - the type of the resulting stream elements
        other - the stream to zip this stream with
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to the corresponding pairs of this stream and other stream elements
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • zipWith

        public <V> EntryStream<T,​V> zipWith​(Stream<V> other)
        Creates a new EntryStream which keys are elements of this stream and values are the corresponding elements of the supplied other stream. The resulting stream is ordered if both of the input streams are ordered, and parallel if either of the input streams is parallel. When the resulting stream is closed, the close handlers for both input streams are invoked.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The resulting stream finishes when either of the input streams finish: the rest of the longer stream is discarded. It's unspecified whether the rest elements of the longer stream are actually consumed.

        The stream created by this operation may have poor characteristics and parallelize badly, so it should be used only when there's no other choice. If both input streams are random-access lists or arrays, consider using, List) or[], Object[]) respectively. If you want to zip the stream with the stream of indices, consider using EntryStream.of(List) instead.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of the other stream elements
        other - the stream to zip this stream with
        the new stream
        See Also:
        zipWith(Stream, BiFunction)
      • zipWith

        public <V> EntryStream<T,​V> zipWith​(BaseStream<V,​?> other)
        Creates a new EntryStream which keys are elements of this stream and values are the corresponding elements of the supplied other stream. The resulting stream is ordered if both of the input streams are ordered, and parallel if either of the input streams is parallel. When the resulting stream is closed, the close handlers for both input streams are invoked.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation.

        The resulting stream finishes when either of the input streams finish: the rest of the longer stream is discarded. It's unspecified whether the rest elements of the longer stream are actually consumed.

        The stream created by this operation may have poor characteristics and parallelize badly, so it should be used only when there's no other choice. If both input streams are random-access lists or arrays, consider using, List) or[], Object[]) respectively. If you want to zip the stream with the stream of indices, consider using EntryStream.of(List) instead.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of the other stream elements
        other - the stream to zip this stream with
        the new stream
        See Also:
        zipWith(BaseStream, BiFunction)
      • headTail

        public <R> StreamEx<R> headTail​(BiFunction<? super T,​? super StreamEx<T>,​? extends Stream<R>> mapper)
        Creates a new Stream which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the first element of the current stream (head) and the stream containing the rest elements (tail). The mapper may return null instead of empty stream.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation with tail-stream optimization.

        The mapper function is not applied when the input stream is empty. This operation is equivalent to headTail(mapper, () -> null). Otherwise it's applied at most once during the stream terminal operation execution. Sometimes it's useful to generate stream recursively like this:

         // Returns lazily-generated stream which performs scanLeft operation on the input
         static <T> StreamEx<T> scanLeft(StreamEx<T> input, BinaryOperator<T> operator) {
             return input.headTail((head, tail) -> 
                 scanLeft(tail.mapFirst(cur -> operator.apply(head, cur)), operator).prepend(head));

        When possible, use tail-stream optimized operations to reduce the call stack depth. In particular, the example shown above uses only headTail(), mapFirst(Function) and prepend(Object...) operations, all of them are tail-stream optimized, so it will not fail with StackOverflowError on long input stream.

        This operation might perform badly with parallel streams. Sometimes the same semantics could be expressed using other operations like withFirst(BiFunction) or mapFirst(Function) which parallelize better. Consider using these methods if its possible in your case.

        Type Parameters:
        R - The element type of the new stream
        mapper - a non-interfering function to apply to the first stream element and the stream of the rest elements which creates a new stream.
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • headTail

        public <R> StreamEx<R> headTail​(BiFunction<? super T,​? super StreamEx<T>,​? extends Stream<R>> mapper,
                                        Supplier<? extends Stream<R>> supplier)
        Creates a new Stream which is the result of applying of the mapper BiFunction to the first element of the current stream (head) and the stream containing the rest elements (tail) or supplier if the current stream is empty. The mapper or supplier may return null instead of empty stream.

        This is a quasi-intermediate operation with tail-stream optimization.

        Either mapper function or supplier (but not both) is applied at most once during the stream terminal operation execution. Sometimes it's useful to generate stream recursively like this:

         // Stream of fixed size batches
         static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> batches(StreamEx<T> input, int size) {
             return batches(input, size, Collections.emptyList());
         private static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> batches(StreamEx<T> input, int size, List<T> cur) {
             return input.headTail((head, tail) -> cur.size() >= size 
                     ? batches(tail, size, Arrays.asList(head)).prepend(cur)
                     : batches(tail, size, StreamEx.of(cur).append(head).toList()), 
                     () -> Stream.of(cur));

        When possible, use tail-stream optimized operations to reduce the call stack depth. In particular, the example shown above uses only headTail(), and prepend(Object...) operations, both of them are tail-stream optimized, so it will not fail with StackOverflowError on long input stream.

        This operation might perform badly with parallel streams. Sometimes the same semantics could be expressed using other operations like withFirst(BiFunction) or mapFirst(Function) which parallelize better. Consider using these methods if its possible in your case.

        Type Parameters:
        R - The element type of the new stream
        mapper - a non-interfering function to apply to the first stream element and the stream of the rest elements which creates a new stream.
        supplier - a non-interfering supplier which creates a resulting stream when this stream is empty.
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • empty

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> empty()
        Returns an empty sequential StreamEx.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        an empty sequential stream
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(T element)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx containing a single element.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream element
        element - the single element
        a singleton sequential stream
        See Also:
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(T... elements)
        Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx whose elements are the specified values.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        elements - the elements of the new stream
        the new stream
        See Also:
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(T[] array,
                                         int startInclusive,
                                         int endExclusive)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx with the specified range of the specified array as its source.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        array - the array, assumed to be unmodified during use
        startInclusive - the first index to cover, inclusive
        endExclusive - index immediately past the last index to cover
        a StreamEx for the array range
        ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if startInclusive is negative, endExclusive is less than startInclusive, or endExclusive is greater than the array size
        See Also:[], int, int)
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Collection<? extends T> collection)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx with given collection as its source.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of collection elements
        collection - collection to create the stream of
        a sequential StreamEx over the elements in given collection
        See Also:
      • ofReversed

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> ofReversed​(List<? extends T> list)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx which elements are elements of given list in descending order.

        The list elements are accessed using List.get(int), so the list should provide fast random access. The list is assumed to be unmodifiable during the stream operations.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        list - list to get the elements from
        the new stream
      • ofReversed

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> ofReversed​(T[] array)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx which elements are elements of given array in descending order.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        array - array to get the elements from
        the new stream
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Stream<T> stream)
        Returns an StreamEx object which wraps given Stream.

        The supplied stream must not be consumed or closed when this method is called. No operation must be performed on the supplied stream after it's wrapped.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        stream - original stream
        the wrapped stream
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Spliterator<? extends T> spliterator)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx created from given Spliterator.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        spliterator - a spliterator to create the stream from.
        the new stream
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Iterator<? extends T> iterator)
        Returns a sequential, ordered StreamEx created from given Iterator.

        This method is roughly equivalent to StreamEx.of(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, ORDERED)) , but may show better performance for parallel processing.

        Use this method only if you cannot provide better Stream source (like Collection or Spliterator).

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of iterator elements
        iterator - an iterator to create the stream from.
        the new stream
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Enumeration<? extends T> enumeration)
        Returns a sequential, ordered StreamEx created from given Enumeration.

        Use this method only if you cannot provide better Stream source (like Collection or Spliterator).

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of enumeration elements
        enumeration - an enumeration to create the stream from.
        the new stream
      • of

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> of​(Optional<? extends T> optional)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx containing an Optional value, if present, otherwise returns an empty StreamEx.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        optional - the optional to create a stream of
        a stream with an Optional value if present, otherwise an empty stream
      • ofNullable

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> ofNullable​(T element)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx containing a single element, if non-null, otherwise returns an empty StreamEx.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        element - the single element
        a stream with a single element if the specified element is non-null, otherwise an empty stream
      • ofLines

        public static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(BufferedReader reader)
        Returns a StreamEx, the elements of which are lines read from the supplied BufferedReader. The StreamEx is lazily populated, i.e., read only occurs during the terminal stream operation.

        The reader must not be operated on during the execution of the terminal stream operation. Otherwise, the result of the terminal stream operation is undefined.

        After execution of the terminal stream operation there are no guarantees that the reader will be at a specific position from which to read the next character or line.

        If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying BufferedReader, it is wrapped in an UncheckedIOException which will be thrown from the StreamEx method that caused the read to take place. This method will return a StreamEx if invoked on a BufferedReader that is closed. Any operation on that stream that requires reading from the BufferedReader after it is closed, will cause an UncheckedIOException to be thrown.

        reader - the reader to get the lines from
        a StreamEx<String> providing the lines of text described by supplied BufferedReader
        See Also:
      • ofLines

        public static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(Reader reader)
        Returns a StreamEx, the elements of which are lines read from the supplied Reader. The StreamEx is lazily populated, i.e., read only occurs during the terminal stream operation.

        The reader must not be operated on during the execution of the terminal stream operation. Otherwise, the result of the terminal stream operation is undefined.

        After execution of the terminal stream operation there are no guarantees that the reader will be at a specific position from which to read the next character or line.

        If an IOException is thrown when accessing the underlying Reader, it is wrapped in an UncheckedIOException which will be thrown from the StreamEx method that caused the read to take place. This method will return a StreamEx if invoked on a Reader that is closed. Any operation on that stream that requires reading from the Reader after it is closed, will cause an UncheckedIOException to be thrown.

        reader - the reader to get the lines from
        a StreamEx<String> providing the lines of text described by supplied Reader
        See Also:
      • ofLines

        public static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(Path path)
                                        throws IOException
        Read all lines from a file as a StreamEx. Bytes from the file are decoded into characters using the UTF-8 charset and the same line terminators as specified by Files.readAllLines(Path, Charset) are supported.

        After this method returns, then any subsequent I/O exception that occurs while reading from the file or when a malformed or unmappable byte sequence is read, is wrapped in an UncheckedIOException that will be thrown from the StreamEx method that caused the read to take place. In case an IOException is thrown when closing the file, it is also wrapped as an UncheckedIOException.

        The returned stream encapsulates a Reader. If timely disposal of file system resources is required, the try-with-resources construct should be used to ensure that the stream's close method is invoked after the stream operations are completed.

        path - the path to the file
        the lines from the file as a StreamEx
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs opening the file
        See Also:
      • ofLines

        public static StreamEx<String> ofLines​(Path path,
                                               Charset charset)
                                        throws IOException
        Read all lines from a file as a StreamEx.

        Bytes from the file are decoded into characters using the specified charset and the same line terminators as specified by Files.readAllLines(Path, Charset) are supported.

        After this method returns, then any subsequent I/O exception that occurs while reading from the file or when a malformed or unmappable byte sequence is read, is wrapped in an UncheckedIOException that will be thrown from the StreamEx method that caused the read to take place. In case an IOException is thrown when closing the file, it is also wrapped as an UncheckedIOException.

        The returned stream encapsulates a Reader. If timely disposal of file system resources is required, the try-with-resources construct should be used to ensure that the stream's close method is invoked after the stream operations are completed.

        path - the path to the file
        charset - the charset to use for decoding
        the lines from the file as a StreamEx
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs opening the file
        See Also:
        Files.lines(Path, Charset)
      • ofKeys

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> ofKeys​(Map<T,​?> map)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx with keySet of given Map as its source.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of map keys
        map - input map
        a sequential StreamEx over the keys of given Map
        NullPointerException - if map is null
        See Also:
      • ofKeys

        public static <T,​V> StreamEx<T> ofKeys​(Map<T,​V> map,
                                                     Predicate<? super V> valueFilter)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx of given Map keys which corresponding values match the supplied filter.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of map keys and created stream elements
        V - the type of map values
        map - input map
        valueFilter - a predicate used to test values
        a sequential StreamEx over the keys of given Map which corresponding values match the supplied filter.
        NullPointerException - if map is null
        See Also:
      • ofValues

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> ofValues​(Map<?,​T> map)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx with values of given Map as its source.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of map keys
        map - input map
        a sequential StreamEx over the values of given Map
        NullPointerException - if map is null
        See Also:
      • ofValues

        public static <K,​T> StreamEx<T> ofValues​(Map<K,​T> map,
                                                       Predicate<? super K> keyFilter)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx of given Map values which corresponding keys match the supplied filter.
        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of map keys
        T - the type of map values and created stream elements
        map - input map
        keyFilter - a predicate used to test keys
        a sequential StreamEx over the values of given Map which corresponding keys match the supplied filter.
        NullPointerException - if map is null
        See Also:
      • ofPermutations

        public static StreamEx<int[]> ofPermutations​(int length)
        Returns a new StreamEx of int[] arrays containing all the possible permutations of numbers from 0 to length-1 in lexicographic order.
        length - length of permutations array. Lengths bigger than 20 are not supported currently as resulting number of permutations will exceed Long.MAX_VALUE.
        new sequential StreamEx of possible permutations.
        IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative or number of possible permutations exceeds Long.MAX_VALUE.
      • ofCombinations

        public static StreamEx<int[]> ofCombinations​(int n,
                                                     int k)
        Returns a new StreamEx of int[] arrays containing all the possible combinations of length k consisting of numbers from 0 to n-1 in lexicographic order.

        Example: StreamEx.ofCombinations(3, 2) returns the stream of three elements: [0, 1], [0, 2] and [1, 2] in this order.

        n - number of possible distinct elements
        k - number of elements in each combination
        new sequential stream of possible combinations. Returns an empty stream if k is bigger than n.
        IllegalArgumentException - if n or k is negative or number of possible combinations exceeds Long.MAX_VALUE.
      • split

        public static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str,
                                             Pattern pattern)
        Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given pattern.

        The stream returned by this method contains each substring of the input sequence that is terminated by another subsequence that matches this pattern or is terminated by the end of the input sequence. The substrings in the stream are in the order in which they occur in the input. Trailing empty strings will be discarded and not encountered in the stream.

        If the given pattern does not match any subsequence of the input then the resulting stream has just one element, namely the input sequence in string form.

        When there is a positive-width match at the beginning of the input sequence then an empty leading substring is included at the beginning of the stream. A zero-width match at the beginning however never produces such empty leading substring.

        If the input sequence is mutable, it must remain constant from the stream creation until the execution of the terminal stream operation. Otherwise, the result of the terminal stream operation is undefined.

        str - The character sequence to be split
        pattern - The pattern to use for splitting
        The stream of strings computed by splitting the input around matches of this pattern
        See Also:
      • split

        public static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str,
                                             String regex)
        Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given pattern represented as String.

        This method is equivalent to StreamEx.split(str, Pattern.compile(regex)).

        str - The character sequence to be split
        regex - The regular expression String to use for splitting
        The stream of strings computed by splitting the input around matches of this pattern
        See Also:
        Pattern.splitAsStream(CharSequence), split(CharSequence, char)
      • split

        public static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str,
                                             char delimiter)
        Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given character.

        This method is equivalent to StreamEx.split(str, delimiter, true).

        str - The character sequence to be split
        delimiter - The delimiter character to use for splitting
        The stream of strings computed by splitting the input around the delimiters
        See Also:
      • split

        public static StreamEx<String> split​(CharSequence str,
                                             char delimiter,
                                             boolean trimEmpty)
        Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the given character.

        The stream returned by this method contains each substring of the input sequence that is terminated by supplied delimiter character or is terminated by the end of the input sequence. The substrings in the stream are in the order in which they occur in the input. If the trimEmpty parameter is true, trailing empty strings will be discarded and not encountered in the stream.

        If the given delimiter character does not appear in the input then the resulting stream has just one element, namely the input sequence in string form.

        If the input sequence is mutable, it must remain constant from the stream creation until the execution of the terminal stream operation. Otherwise, the result of the terminal stream operation is undefined.

        str - The character sequence to be split
        delimiter - The delimiter character to use for splitting
        trimEmpty - If true, trailing empty strings will be discarded
        The stream of strings computed by splitting the input around the delimiters
        See Also:
      • iterate

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> iterate​(T seed,
                                              UnaryOperator<T> f)
        Returns an infinite sequential ordered StreamEx produced by iterative application of a function f to an initial element seed, producing a StreamEx consisting of seed, f(seed), f(f(seed)), etc.

        The first element (position 0) in the StreamEx will be the provided seed. For n > 0, the element at position n, will be the result of applying the function f to the element at position n - 1.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        seed - the initial element
        f - a function to be applied to to the previous element to produce a new element
        a new sequential StreamEx
        See Also:
        iterate(Object, Predicate, UnaryOperator)
      • iterate

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> iterate​(T seed,
                                              Predicate<? super T> predicate,
                                              UnaryOperator<T> f)
        Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx produced by iterative application of a function to an initial element, conditioned on satisfying the supplied predicate. The stream terminates as soon as the predicate function returns false.

        StreamEx.iterate should produce the same sequence of elements as produced by the corresponding for-loop:

             for (T index=seed; predicate.test(index); index = f.apply(index)) { 

        The resulting sequence may be empty if the predicate does not hold on the seed value. Otherwise the first element will be the supplied seed value, the next element (if present) will be the result of applying the function f to the seed value, and so on iteratively until the predicate indicates that the stream should terminate.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        seed - the initial element
        predicate - a predicate to apply to elements to determine when the stream must terminate.
        f - a function to be applied to the previous element to produce a new element
        a new sequential StreamEx
        See Also:
        iterate(Object, UnaryOperator)
      • generate

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> generate​(Supplier<T> s)
        Returns an infinite sequential unordered StreamEx where each element is generated by the provided Supplier. This is suitable for generating constant streams, streams of random elements, etc.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        s - the Supplier of generated elements
        a new infinite sequential unordered StreamEx
        See Also:
        Stream.generate(Supplier), EntryStream.generate(Supplier, Supplier)
      • produce

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> produce​(Predicate<Consumer<? super T>> producer)
        Return an ordered stream produced by consecutive calls of the supplied producer until it returns false.

        The producer function may call the passed consumer any number of times and return true if the producer should be called again or false otherwise. It's guaranteed that the producer will not be called anymore, once it returns false.

        This method is particularly useful when producer changes the mutable object which should be left in known state after the full stream consumption. For example, the following code could be used to drain elements from the queue until it's empty or sentinel is reached (consuming the sentinel):

         return StreamEx.produce(action -> {
           T next = queue.poll();
           if(next == null || next.equals(sentinel))
               return false;
           return true;

        Note however that if a short-circuiting operation is used, then the final state of the mutable object cannot be guaranteed.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the resulting stream elements
        producer - a predicate which calls the passed consumer to emit stream element(s) and returns true if it producer should be applied again.
        the new stream
      • constant

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> constant​(T value,
                                               long length)
        Returns a sequential unordered StreamEx of given length which elements are equal to supplied value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of stream elements
        value - the constant value
        length - the length of the stream
        a new StreamEx
      • ofPairs

        public static <U,​T> StreamEx<T> ofPairs​(List<U> list,
                                                      BiFunction<? super U,​? super U,​? extends T> mapper)
        Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx containing the results of applying the given mapper function to the all possible pairs of elements taken from the provided list.

        The indices of two elements supplied to the mapper function are always ordered: first element index is strictly less than the second element index. The pairs are lexicographically ordered. For example, for the list of three elements the stream of three elements is created: mapper.apply(list.get(0), list.get(1)), mapper.apply(list.get(0), list.get(2)) and mapper.apply(list.get(1), list.get(2)). The number of elements in the resulting stream is list.size()*(list.size()+1L)/2.

        The list values are accessed using List.get(int), so the list should provide fast random access. The list is assumed to be unmodifiable during the stream operations.

        Type Parameters:
        U - type of the list elements
        T - type of the stream elements
        list - a list to take the elements from
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each pair of list elements.
        a new StreamEx
        See Also:
      • ofPairs

        public static <U,​T> StreamEx<T> ofPairs​(U[] array,
                                                      BiFunction<? super U,​? super U,​? extends T> mapper)
        Returns a sequential ordered StreamEx containing the results of applying the given mapper function to the all possible pairs of elements taken from the provided array.

        The indices of two array elements supplied to the mapper function are always ordered: first element index is strictly less than the second element index. The pairs are lexicographically ordered. For example, for the array of three elements the stream of three elements is created: mapper.apply(array[0], array[1]), mapper.apply(array[0], array[2]) and mapper.apply(array[1], array[2]). The number of elements in the resulting stream is array.length*(array.length+1L)/2.

        Type Parameters:
        U - type of the array elements
        T - type of the stream elements
        array - an array to take the elements from
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each pair of array elements.
        a new StreamEx
        See Also:
      • zip

        public static <U,​V,​T> StreamEx<T> zip​(List<U> first,
                                                          List<V> second,
                                                          BiFunction<? super U,​? super V,​? extends T> mapper)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx containing the results of applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of values in given two lists.

        The list values are accessed using List.get(int), so the lists should provide fast random access. The lists are assumed to be unmodifiable during the stream operations.

        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the first list elements
        V - the type of the second list elements
        T - the type of the resulting stream elements
        first - the first list, assumed to be unmodified during use
        second - the second list, assumed to be unmodified during use
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each pair of the corresponding list elements.
        a new StreamEx
        IllegalArgumentException - if length of the lists differs.
        See Also:, List)
      • zip

        public static <U,​V,​T> StreamEx<T> zip​(U[] first,
                                                          V[] second,
                                                          BiFunction<? super U,​? super V,​? extends T> mapper)
        Returns a sequential StreamEx containing the results of applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of values in given two arrays.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of the first array elements
        V - the type of the second array elements
        T - the type of the resulting stream elements
        first - the first array
        second - the second array
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each pair of the corresponding array elements.
        a new StreamEx
        IllegalArgumentException - if length of the arrays differs.
        See Also:[], Object[])
      • ofTree

        public static <T> StreamEx<T> ofTree​(T root,
                                             Function<T,​Stream<T>> mapper)
        Return a new StreamEx containing all the nodes of tree-like data structure in depth-first order.

        The streams created by mapper may be automatically closed after its contents already consumed and unnecessary anymore. It's not guaranteed that all created streams will be closed during the stream terminal operation. If it's necessary to close all the created streams, call the close() method of the resulting stream returned by ofTree().

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of tree nodes
        root - root node of the tree
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each tree node which returns null for leaf nodes or stream of direct children for non-leaf nodes.
        the new sequential ordered stream
        See Also:
        EntryStream.ofTree(Object, BiFunction), ofTree(Object, Class, Function)
      • ofTree

        public static <T,​TT extends T> StreamEx<T> ofTree​(T root,
                                                                Class<TT> collectionClass,
                                                                Function<TT,​Stream<T>> mapper)
        Return a new StreamEx containing all the nodes of tree-like data structure in depth-first order.

        The streams created by mapper may be automatically closed after its contents already consumed and unnecessary anymore. It's not guaranteed that all created streams will be closed during the stream terminal operation. If it's necessary to close all the created streams, call the close() method of the resulting stream returned by ofTree().

        Type Parameters:
        T - the base type of tree nodes
        TT - the sub-type of composite tree nodes which may have children
        root - root node of the tree
        collectionClass - a class representing the composite tree node
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each composite tree node which returns stream of direct children. May return null if the given node has no children.
        the new sequential ordered stream
        See Also:
        EntryStream.ofTree(Object, Class, BiFunction), ofTree(Object, Function)
      • ofSubLists

        public static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> ofSubLists​(List<T> source,
                                                       int length)
        Returns a new StreamEx which consists of non-overlapping sublists of given source list having the specified length (the last sublist may be shorter).

        This method calls List.subList(int, int) internally, so source list must have it properly implemented as well as provide fast random access.

        This method is equivalent to StreamEx.ofSubLists(source, length, length).

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of source list elements.
        source - the source list
        length - the length of each sublist except possibly the last one (must be positive number).
        the new stream of sublists.
        IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative or zero.
        See Also:
        ofSubLists(List, int, int), List.subList(int, int)
      • ofSubLists

        public static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> ofSubLists​(List<T> source,
                                                       int length,
                                                       int shift)
        Returns a new StreamEx which consists of possibly-overlapping sublists of given source list having the specified length with given shift value.

        This method calls List.subList(int, int) internally, so source list must have it properly implemented as well as provide fast random access.

        The shift value specifies how many elements the next sublist is shifted relative to the previous one. If the shift value is greater than one, then the last sublist might be shorter than the specified length value. If the shift value is greater than the length, some elements will not appear in sublists at all.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of source list elements.
        source - the source list
        length - the length of each sublist except possibly the last one (must be positive number).
        shift - the number of elements the next sublist is shifted relative to the previous one (must be positive number).
        the new stream of sublists.
        IllegalArgumentException - if length is negative or zero.
        See Also:
        List.subList(int, int)
      • cartesianProduct

        public static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> cartesianProduct​(Collection<? extends Collection<T>> source)
        Returns a new StreamEx which elements are List objects containing all possible tuples of the elements of supplied collection of collections. The whole stream forms an n-fold Cartesian product (or cross-product) of the input collections.

        Every stream element is the List of the same size as supplied collection. The first element in the list is taken from the first collection which appears in source and so on. The elements are ordered lexicographically according to the order of the input collections.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List elements. It's however guaranteed that each element is the distinct object.

        The supplied collection is assumed to be unchanged during the operation.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the elements
        source - the input collection of collections which is used to generate the cross-product.
        the new stream of lists.
        See Also:
        cartesianPower(int, Collection)
      • cartesianProduct

        public static <T,​U> StreamEx<U> cartesianProduct​(Collection<? extends Collection<T>> source,
                                                               U identity,
                                                               BiFunction<U,​? super T,​U> accumulator)
        Returns a new StreamEx which elements are results of reduction of all possible tuples composed from the elements of supplied collection of collections. The whole stream forms an n-fold Cartesian product (or cross-product) of the input collections.

        The reduction is performed using the provided identity object and the accumulator function which is capable to accumulate new element. The accumulator function must not modify the previous accumulated value, but must produce new value instead. That's because partially accumulated values are reused for subsequent elements.

        This method is equivalent to the following:

         StreamEx.cartesianProduct(source).map(list -> StreamEx.of(list).foldLeft(identity, accumulator))

        However it may perform much faster as partial reduction results are reused.

        The supplied collection is assumed to be unchanged during the operation.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the input elements
        U - the type of the elements of the resulting stream
        source - the input collection of collections which is used to generate the cross-product.
        identity - the identity value
        accumulator - a non-interfering , stateless function for incorporating an additional element from source collection into a stream element.
        the new stream.
        See Also:
        cartesianProduct(Collection), cartesianPower(int, Collection, Object, BiFunction)
      • cartesianPower

        public static <T> StreamEx<List<T>> cartesianPower​(int n,
                                                           Collection<T> source)
        Returns a new StreamEx which elements are List objects containing all possible n-tuples of the elements of supplied collection. The whole stream forms an n-fold Cartesian product of input collection with itself or n-ary Cartesian power of the input collection.

        Every stream element is the List of the supplied size. The elements are ordered lexicographically according to the order of the input collection.

        There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List elements. It's however guaranteed that each element is the distinct object.

        The supplied collection is assumed to be unchanged during the operation.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the elements
        n - the size of the List elements of the resulting stream.
        source - the input collection of collections which is used to generate the Cartesian power.
        the new stream of lists.
        See Also:
      • cartesianPower

        public static <T,​U> StreamEx<U> cartesianPower​(int n,
                                                             Collection<T> source,
                                                             U identity,
                                                             BiFunction<U,​? super T,​U> accumulator)
        Returns a new StreamEx which elements are results of reduction of all possible n-tuples composed from the elements of supplied collections. The whole stream forms an n-fold Cartesian product of input collection with itself or n-ary Cartesian power of the input collection.

        The reduction is performed using the provided identity object and the accumulator function which is capable to accumulate new element. The accumulator function must not modify the previous accumulated value, but must produce new value instead. That's because partially accumulated values are reused for subsequent elements.

        This method is equivalent to the following:

         StreamEx.cartesianPower(n, source).map(list -> StreamEx.of(list).foldLeft(identity, accumulator))

        However it may perform much faster as partial reduction results are reused.

        The supplied collection is assumed to be unchanged during the operation.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the input elements
        U - the type of the elements of the resulting stream
        n - the number of elements to incorporate into single element of the resulting stream.
        source - the input collection of collections which is used to generate the Cartesian power.
        identity - the identity value
        accumulator - a non-interfering , stateless function for incorporating an additional element from source collection into a stream element.
        the new stream.
        See Also:
        cartesianProduct(Collection, Object, BiFunction), cartesianPower(int, Collection)